Monday, December 30, 2019

Everybody is a Genius

Most of  you  must be wondering, what happen to  Suchi, why all  of  a sudden  she started blogging…

I  am member of the local Toastmaster club for more than 2 years.  As I work remotely from  home, do  not have the opportunity  to  step  out of my home much. Hence in order to  improve by  public speaking and presentation  skills joined the club, to  deliver prepared speeches twice or thrice a month. It also  gives me an opportunity  to  dress up 😎 and interact with  other  toastmasters. 

Most of  my  topics are based on organizational  behavior. The other toastmasters liked my subject and the speeches that I delivered. They ask  for the soft copy  of  my  speeches. Although  the title  says everybody is a genius, need to brag myself a little -  I  do  take lot of  time and effort to  prepare my  speech…. Hence wanted to create a repository and came up with blogging….

Apart from prepared speech, we do  have  ‘Thought of  the  day’  in  our agenda…. Shared an interesting thought - Everybody is a Genius! – by  one of the Tamil greatest poetess Avvaiyar.

Everyone in the world is great in something or other.  Even a small Stick is useful -  it is used to  prick our teeth, when needed.

Avvaiyar  -  3rd century  poetess elaborate this further… she talks about the small living creature’s miraculous work, which  cannot be  replicated by us, humans too…

Who  taught  the tailor /weaver bird  to  make its nest? It makes its nest with only with his beaks…. Careful  enough  to  pick  the green grass , which are more  pliable than the dried ones. Also the female picks her male bird only after inspecting the nests he builds. 💡

Next, who  taught the  termites to  build  their mounds…. They build with  their antennae ONLY. They construct their mounds with separate quarters for the royal King & Queen , nursery and workers. They are the pioneers for the nowadays realtors -  selling apartments / flats. 
Honey bee is next -  who taught this insects to  store a liquid nectar up in the beehive…

Spider spins its web and comfortably catches its prey in it too…. smart but sticky strategy.

Just for  the benefit of  my followers,  who  know  Tamil 

வான்குருவி யின்கூடு வல்லரக்கு தொல்கரையான்
தேன்சிலம்பி யாவருக்கும் செய்யரிதால் -யான்பெரிதும்வல்லோமே என்று வலிமைசொல வேண்டாங்காண்எல்லார்க்கும் ஒவ்வொன் றெளிது!

Everybody  is a Genius.  Tap into  yourself , and find the genius in  you….🔨

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